Winner 2021 of Carlos and Revelation Fol

CEIBO La banda folk cordobesa CEIBO, está integrada por Leo Escalante, Claudio Tais, Gabriel Romero y Yamil Salum. Es para destacar que Ceibo, más allá de los miles de aplausos, ha cosechado importantes consagraciones en distintos festivales, tales como Cosquín (Argentina), Uruguayana (Brasil), Punta Arenas (Chile), entre muchos más. Esta banda posee en sus 15 años de carrera 7 discos editados, siendo el último ORIGEN, el cual se presenta en gira nacional durante 2016 y 2017. Gira nacional e internacional con gira Tour 2017.

CEIBO The folk Band Córdobesa, consists of Leo Escalante, Claudio Tais, Gabriel Romero and Yamil Salum. It is to emphasize that Ceibo has, beyond the thousands of applause, won important consecrations in various festivals, such as Cosquín (Argentina), Uruguayana (Brazil), Punta Arenas (Chile), among many others. This band has in its 15-year career seven albums released, the last ORIGIN, which is presented on national tour during 2016 and 2017. National and International USA Tour 2017.